Women of wonder

Since the debut of Wonder Woman in 1941, she has been depicted as a savior of humanity, a hero for justice. A person who exemplifies strength, love, and peace, in a feminine persona. With the use of her superhuman powers and keen sense of combative skills, she enforced her beliefs and stood for human equality. It’s no wonder why women of today, identify her as a gender equality icon.

There are at least 6 notible renditions of Wonder Woman (as shown below), all within the entertainment industry. Five of which were casted into the role and one of which was merely in costume. Possibly, the most widely known depiction is of Lynda Carter in the television series, which aired from 1975 to 1979.

Linda Harrison as Wonder Woman
Cathy Lee Crosby as Wonder Woman
Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman
Adrianne Palicki as Wonder Woman
Erica Durance as Lois Lane in Wonder Woman costume
Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman

Nevertheless, Wonder Woman has been an underutilized character in recent entertainment until now. In the upcoming movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Gal Gadot (of the Fast and Furious series) is casted as the famed Wonder Woman, scheduled to be released in March later this year.

Is this the rekindling of Wonder Woman both on the big screen and television? One can only hope, but for now let’s enjoy what we have.

Alice behind a looking glass

Tim Burton is well known to have brought controversial and thought provokingly animated and colorful films to the big screen. He’s done it successfully, numerous times, with films such as Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, James and the Giant Peach, Sweeney Todd, and  Frankenweenie, just to name a few. Yet, nothing compares to his recent vision in the likes of Alice in Wonderland.

It was such a totally different take on the classic, that people of old and new generations loved it. They loved it so much, that it inspired him to create a second production to add to the newly popular version of Alice in Wonderland. Yes, that’s what I just said. An Alice in Wonderland 2 (so to speak) is in production as you continue to read on. It is called Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass. The new movie is scheduled to be released on May 27, 2016.

If you haven’t heard of it yet or you have but have yet to see the preview, then you’re in luck. You can see the newly released trailer right here. Enjoy! 

Comic-Con Trailers you need to see

If you missed out on the San Diego Comic Convention this year, don’t fret. Here are some of the must see trailers released at Comic-Con:

Batman v Superman

The world is beginning to question Superman’s motives. Why is he really here? Someone with that kind of power has to be evil. Batman has witnessed the destruction first hand and decides he must do something now.

The Walking Dead Season 6

Rick Grimes now being exposed to being the killer he has become, it only makes those in Alexandria question if they can trust him now or ever. Tensions are running high and old acquaintances may tear open a new beginning.


We all loved the books that R. L. Stine has written for us as kids. Then, they made his work into a TV series. Now, a cinematic feature has been made. Are you afraid to watch?

Behind the scenes look at Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

So many variations have been made as a sequel to Star Wars Episode VI, that they stalled on creating a full cinematic feature following the end of it. That’s why making Episodes I-III took priority. But now, a calling of the sequel has convinced producers to move forward with this project.

Heroes Reborn: Dark Matters

Heroes Reborn is coming out soon, but before it is released this Fall in September, they wanted to release a mini-series exclusive.

Fear the Walking Dead

Since the end of The Walking Dead Season 5, they emerged with with a spinoff show to compliment it with a preapocalyptic look on how the epidemic started. Below are a few teaser videos.

Home Sweet Home

Summer is a fun time, even for families. What happens when an unexpected visitor shows up at your home?

Skateboard Park

Skateboarding is fun, but it’s no laughing matter. What happens when walkers decide to join?

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2

It isn’t too long before The Hunger Games: MockingJay Part 2 is here. The trailer reveals Katniss Everdeen rounding up those who share her views for a final clash through a speech to end all oppression. How will it all fair out? Find out on November 20.

Street Fighter 5

We’ve all seen videos of Ryu and Chun Li for Street Fighter 5. Here’s a stab at how Ken Master’s gameplay will be.

Transformers: Devastation

The 80s was a turning point in time for a good generation. Relive the original televised cartoon voices in this mega-punch game by Activision.

LEGO Dimensions: Doctor Who

Play as the team from the LEGO Movie and travel dimensions using Doctor Who’s machine. You might even get a taste of the 21 gigawatts.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III Zombies

If you can’t get enough of killing zombies, this game will give you what you desire.


The video files shown above are copyrighted. It will only be used in a way that qualifies as fair use under US copyright law. This site has no intention to infringe upon the copyrights of any party.

The Line between Fandom and Friendship

Social media and networking are at an all time high. Almost everyone Is connected somehow through the Internet — Celebrities to their fans, artists to their supporters, families to their distant relatives, and friends to friends of friends. These are often exciting connections, because people can communicate on common ground and in a timely manner.

Here’s where the problem lies. These social junctures not only blur but smear the lines of professionalism. It smears it so much, that the lines that once were there seem to no longer exist. At least that’s the sense a fan would have.

In order to understand why these lines are important, we must first explain what it means to be a friend versus being a fan. A real friend is someone you know, be it for a short or long time, which has established communication and generally has some affect on the other person’s daily life. A fan is someone you don’t know, usually a social media friend or follower, who generally likes what you say, act, or do, and usually holds little to no impact on the other person’s daily life. I’m not saying fans can’t somehow become friends with the people they idolize, but it rarely, if ever, happens.

In all aspects of life, the best way to try and obtain any relationship is through communication. I’m not talking about the generic “Hello. How are you?” type of conversations. And certainly not the “Hey you have a nice _____ (fill in the blank), can we be friends?” Type conversations. I’m talking about professional conversations that share a common interest with both individuals. In other words, if someone doesn’t ask about how or when the artist did something to change for success, it usually doesn’t carry on too long.

Don’t get me wrong, we all love our fans, even the ones that criticize us. Because without the love and the hate, we wouldn’t actually continue to be here for any of you. Sometimes, just about anything fans do grabs our attention. We adore all of you, so much so, that we wish we could talk hours on in and get to know every single one of you. Maybe even hang out. It’s just not practical.

Look at it this way, it is not humanly possible to be friends with all of our fans, especially if the number of fans are ten times more than the days of the year. Some of us have fans one hundred times that. We just wouldn’t have the time to do what we do, that all of you love us for.

I know what it would mean to meet or talk to the person you’re a fan of on a personal basis. It could make our day, week, month, or even our year. I know this because I’ve been there, and frankly, I’m actually still there with you. I say that because we all are fans of something or someone.

 So when attempting conversation with whoever you hold in the lime light, be professional. It means be respectful and attentive, kind and considerate, and lastly, but not least, truthful and honest. We all make mistakes. We’re only human.

Professionals generally share ideas, either to expand or narrow the vision. Those professional conversations and mutual experiences can lead to greater bonds, sometimes develop into friendship. Even though it can happen, never ever expect it to go beyond that.

This may not affect all artists the same way, but I do hope I speak for all of my fellow artists. So, if I’ve cleared it all up for you, those of you who are reading this, move forward and be happy with whatever you decide to do. You just might get that once in a lifetime opportunity you’ve been itching to get.


Written by Gerald E Nigma

A Time for Justice

In the wake of all that is good, new evil arises from the dust that settles in the aftermath of battle and war. The balance of good and evil steadily teeters back and forth, as if it were sitting on a wooden board, atop a fence, tipping to one side whenever possible. What people may consider as good, when unexplained, will turn their praise into fear, trust into betrayal, admiration into persecution.


Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman

So comes Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, with a plot yet to be released. As a myriad of questions build, waiting to be unraveled, they will finally be answered in a explosive manner. How does Superman react? Who will Superman answer to? How does Batman come into this? What will his role be? What will he do? Can there be a truce? Who will be the victor? What of Wonder Woman? Watch the YouTube trailer or click on the IMDb video below.


Complexities of the Writing Mind

Words of an E Nigma

There are plenty of times, I feel as if I’m not doing enough. Writing it down helps, but doesn’t solve much. It all just leads to more questions.

I know I can’t be the only one who struggles this way. The thought of completing something I’ve began since the rawest youth of adolescence, sends chills down my spine. Going through life, experiencing the exhaustion, pondering the ‘what ifs’, rationalizing the ‘should ofs’, betraying the present, and overlooking the future — it all leads to this moment: Can I still do this?

This isn’t a question in my mind about the ability to do, it’s a question about the want to do. I ask myself the same question everyday, either to drive myself insane or set a new course of action. Yet, even with a new course, I get drawn back to where I began.

In my mind, thousands of thoughts…

View original post 366 more words

Fear in the making

Since the ending of the season for The Walking Dead, many TWD fans have been having walker (as well Daryl Dixon and Rick Grimes) withdrawals. Fret not, the new spinoff show called Fear the Walking Dead is not too far ahead and is scheduled to air this summer on AMC.


It is gimmicked as The Walking Dead companion show, a prequel, which features a new cast in a pre-apocalyptic view of a family living in Los Angeles, struggling to figure it out and how to survive.


The picture above contains one of the scenes with actors Chris Curtis, Kim Dickens and Frank Dillane (and a dead body extra). Alycia Debnam Carey (not shown) is also part of the cast.


Chris Curtis


Kim Dickens


Alycia Debnam Carey


Frank Dillane


The Trials of Cosplay

As you know, we are intrigued by cosplay and the cosplayers who do this either for leisure or professionally. 

We occasionally come across various articles about cosplay and wanted to share this particular one here. Although we’d love to take credit for this, we simply cannot. But all credits have been mentioned below. Please read along.

15 Cosplay Mistakes You Will Inevitably Make

1. You’ll get overly excited and pick a cosplay that is way too complicated.

Kristell Lim / WorldCosplay

I can totally make this.


2. You realize you have no money so you try buying all the off-brand materials.

Crazy Original Bad Boy Style Yellow Wavy Wig / Only Wig

Yeah, this wig will work.


3. You order shoes online.

These are 3 sizes too small and blue. I’ll wear it.


4. You will drop all of your pins then step on them for the next week.

Thor: The Dark World / Marvel Studio

It’s like a treasure hunt for your feet!


5. You will get blood on your cosplay, somewhere.

Beyond the Boundary / Kyoto Animation

Well, now you’re a part of your cosplay! Just try not to prick/stab/cut/slice yourself more than twice.


6. You will hot-glue your hand to something.

The Simpsons / Fox

Your hands are pretty much made of hot-glue by now.


7. You realize you don’t have enough time to finish the cosplay in the two weeks before the convention.

Koutoura-san / AIC Classic



8. You will try to style your wig and…it’s destroyed.

Phil Spector

I just need to brush it a few more times.


9. You don’t find a picture of the back of your cosplay until you’re more than halfway done.

Arrested Development / 20th Century Fox

“I’ll just try to keep my back to the wall, I guess…”


10. You survive on coffee and sugar the week before the con because your cosplay isn’t done.

Meet the Robinsons / Walt Disney

You transcend your human form and become part god, part cosplay machine.


11. Your sewing machine will break and you will have to try to sew it by hand.


“Why did I pick something with so much fabric?!”


12. You run out of thread, you have to use what you have.

Community / NBC

After you eat a cookie and cry in the corner


13. You forget to put in a zipper.

Thor: The Dark World / Marvel Studio

Safety pins work, right?


14. You start believing that duct tape fixes everything.

Mythbusters / Discovery Channel

Duct tape is made of tiny threads and glue so it’s like sewing but better!


15. You sew yourself into your cosplay the day of and learn you have a bladder of steel.

Kristell Lim / WorldCosplay

“Please stop talking, I really do need to concentrate here.”


16. You didn’t give yourself enough room in your cosplay so you can never sit down in it.

然 / Cure

But you look incredible.


And as everyone compliments your cosplay, all you can think of is how much fun making it and hanging out with your cosplay friends is.

gifsnthangs / tumblr

You start to happily plan your next cosplay.

*Yes, I accidentally put in an extra number because I don’t count well. I only cosplay. Forgive me?

Originally posted here.

Can you relate to any of these? All perhaps? Tell us your story in the comments below.

Reposted by: Gerald E Nigma

We must be fans of our fans

If you are an artist, you must credit your inspiration where it is due.

Words of an E Nigma

There’s no better show of appreciation for an artist/writer you like, other than buying their art. But that’s not the only way to show appreciation for their hardwork.

If you like reading/looking what they portray, share it with others. You never know how many people are looking for someone to reach out to and share read a message that touches their heart or soul. You may even find people yourself that you can connect with just by sharing. It’s always a good thing to keep like-minded individuals in your circle, because they are the ones that help support who you can become too.

Don’t forget to credit the artist/writer in your shared post, as others can find them and connect with them also. Besides, it is their work you are conveying.

Another way to appreciate them is by commenting your thoughts. No artist/writer can do better than what they already…

View original post 74 more words

A fighting showcase

Among the fighting game genre, Tekken has been amongst the most highly recognized and top ranked in gaming history. From the cool and unique fighting dynamics and the famed cut scenes, the developers at Bandai Namco Games Inc. never seem to stop pulling out surprises.


Fighting genre games will be showcasing Filipino fighters soon. It looks like Tekken, has become the first ever to introduce this concept, with Josie Rizal, in their upcoming game, Tekken 7. The Filipino community has yet another thing to celebrate other than Manny Pacquiao (though we’re sure he impacted the venture) with this news.

Check out the full story here.